Sunday, August 7, 2011

House MD ~ Hugh Laurie ~ WIP

Tonight I'm posting a caricature of Hugh Laurie I started. I decide it was time to step away from it and look at it tomorrow and maybe I'll have a better idea what I want to do with it. I've been spending a little time on Google+ trying to build my network a bit and make some connections. It's really buzzing right now so it's a time to connect with new people. If you're interested in joining me there, here's my page. I've also been pretty busy with work. Mostly small commission but great experience. I have a few projects in the making, one is going to be probably the most complex manipulation I've ever done. It will a feature well known and well respected tattoo artist, Jesse smith of Loose Screw Tattoo. it's a big project but should be a lot of fun. I'm also trying to get that morph movie completed that i stared several months ago. It's stuck on my old PC. Well, it's past my bedtime. Goodnight folks! Below id the source image for House MD.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day and be inspired!

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